In the previous post we looked at how what you put in your body (food, fibre, probiotics, supplements etc) can have an effect on your mood – your emotional state or disposition that can be transitory or longer term. ‘Feeding happiness’ is only part of the solution to overall, positive wellbeing and in this post we’ll look at lifestyle changes and thought patterns that can free us to make ongoing shifts in the right direction.

Light Yourself Up
Exposure to sun provides vitamin D, a crucial nutrient that plays many roles in the body, including regulating mood. So head for the light – it will do you good!
Also consider doing things that ‘light you up’ – creating space for favourite pastimes that ignite your passions & make you smile. The people around you can have a big influence on how light & happy you feel. Find ways to minimise contact with folk who weigh you down or steal your joy and seek out those don’t.
Lighten your load by being kind to yourself & give yourself a break. Here are some common traps we can fall into & things we can do to make life easier, more enjoyable.
a. Unrealistic expectations: Unattainable goals, trying to be Superman or Wonder Woman etc… these things can wear you down if you continue to fall short of your high standards. Stop beating yourself up. Adjust that goal, go for ‘good enough’ sometimes rather than perfection
b. Outdated lifestyle choices: Still partying like you’re 20 something, despite being in your 40’s? Alcohol, recreational drugs, late nights, eating junk food – these things all take their toll and weigh you down. The digestive system becomes sluggish trying to process & defend you from all the crap, and lack of sleep & overstimulation compound the misery. Don’t stop enjoying yourself, but consider drinking a bit less alcohol and a lot more water than your younger self. Prioritise sleep more than you did and check in with yourself – is there something unfulfilling or uncomfortable about your life that means you want to escape it?
c. Getting Stuck: Are you stuck in unhelpful habits? Smoking or vaping, comfort snacking etc affect your physical health but are more often issues of the mind, behaviour that continues to play out driven by unconscious thoughts or patterns on repeat… The kicker is that usually some part of you wants to change so you get stuck into yourself, berating & bemoaning? Make a change somewhere so you can break a bad cycle. Are you stuck in a job you hate or in a relationship that’s destroying you? Choose to interrupt your pattern. You may need help to make the transformation as easy and smooth as possible (& that’s where I come in, or others like me) but once you’ve given yourself the gift to choose a different way forward, the rest can flow.
Move Yourself
Exercise is not only good for physical health but also for mental health. Studies have found that regular exercise can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. It also has stress-busting benefits. Since it can be hard to feel light & happy when we’re stressed, tackling this underlying cause can transform your mood patterns. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals in the body. Even a short walk or light activity can have a positive impact on mood. There are many different ways to move your body so pick 1 or 2 that suit your lifestyle and your needs. Weight-bearing exercise like running, hiking, tennis etc is great for building bone density. Swimming & cycling work the cardiovascular system. Yoga, pilates & tai chi build core strength & balance. Alone or with others, inside or outside, for 5 min or 50 – just move your body somehow!
The next time you’re feeling low, try blasting out some fave, upbeat music and dance around the room for 5 minutes. Notice how good you feel afterwards and how you just can’t help smiling.
Lack of motivation can be a problem when we’re feeling blue. We may not like the heavy mood that’s weighing us down but feel stuck and unable to make any positive change. Shifting our mind away from negative thoughts can help, but may feel hard to do. Especially as we are hard-wired for negativity. A simple way is not to ‘try‘ to ‘think happy’ but simply to focus on something else, like your breath. Take a few mindful moments to feel the movement of your breath in your body, a reminder to be grateful for this fundamental life force – and connecting you to the healing gift of gratitude. Exhaling for a few counts longer than the inhale slows your heart & sends signals to your brain that you’re calm, all will be well and there are no real threats to fight.
Another move is to remind your mind of happier moments. When was the last time you laughed, even if it was at something on the telly? By changing our thoughts we can change our chemistry and these small shifts can lead you out of the gloom to a more positive place. Slap a big grin on your face & experience how hard it is to stay stuck in a funk when you’re smiling!

Next Steps?
So now you have some ideas about how to manage your mood. There’s a lot you can do, and taking the reins back rather than feeling at the mercy of your emotions, can be so empowering. It starts with choosing to make a change. You may be wondering what to do first, or may feel overwhelmed. Don’t overthink it – just pick one thing you can do, a small adjustment you can incorporate into your routine. As you feel the benefits of that you’ll be inspired to make other changes too.
Perhaps this post, and the previous one, has thrown up challenges you’re ready to tackle but recognise you need help with. That’s where I come in, or others like me. As a Wellness Coach, your overall wellbeing is my priority – that means addressing change at the level of mind, body and soul if necessary. I can help untangle the mess of “Everything seems connected but jumbled – where do I begin?”. Or support you to answer the question behind “I feel so down all the time, I don’t know where it all went wrong!”. I have a bunch of tools in my box & together we’ll choose the right ones for you. So get in touch with any questions, or book a free Discovery Call today & let’s get you back to balance.
Thank you. I needed to read that. I had forgotten to breath and feel grateful when stressed. It really works
Thanks for being here & reading this! So glad it helped you 💚